Below is a list of any Applied Kilovolts power supplies we have repaired here at Avanti Power Repairs Ltd. If your model is not listed, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Applied Kilovolts








4479-101 HFD005PAA005 HW001P HW050N LT001PIP010 LT2.5PIP010
4479-103 HFD005PAA010 HW005N HW050P LT005NIP010 SC005RCD050
4479-104 HFD005PAA2.5 HW005P HW2. 5N LT005PIP010 SC005RCV050
4479-105 HP001RAA025 HW010N HW2.5P LT010NIP010 SC008RCC050
4479-106 HP005RAA025 HW010P HX040NIS300 LT010PIP010 SC008RCD050
4479-113 HP010RAA025 HW020N HX040NIS300 LT015NIP010 SC008RCV050
4479-115 HP015RAA025 HW020P HX040PIS300 LT015PIP010 SC008RCV050-10
4479-116 HP020RAA025 HW030N HX040PIS300 LT020NIP010 SC00xRCx010
4479-117 HP030RAA025 HW030P HX050NIS300 LT020PIP010
4479-118 HP2.5RAA025 HW040N HX050PIS300 LT030PIP010
4479-2XXX HW001N HW040P LT001NIP010 LT2.5NIP010


Specialists in Power Supply Repairs
For further information on this manufacturer please contact our team.
Telephone: 01189-820 911